Tune into Yourself
This podcast is for persons seeking to make decisions in their career, business and life which are in alignment with their true selves. When making decisions in your career, business and life it is important to use the heart, head and gut in an integrated fashion to make better decisions. Through solo chats and interviews we will share information which provides inspiration and insights which will help you gain momentum in your career, business and life to take you to the next level.
Tune into Yourself
Can Do! - Dr. Beverly Foster-Hinds, Executive Coach
Beverly Foster-Hinds
Season 1
Episode 31
In this episode, Beverly discusses strategies to build a growth mindset so that you can achieve your full potential.
It is noteworthy that our brain gets stronger like muscles during weight lifting through practice and learning new things. With this knowledge, we can then understand that the brain continues to grow once we use it.
In shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset there must first be an awareness of the fixed mindset we have, then embrace the fixed mindset to move forward. You then identify what the fixed mindset triggers are; failure, criticism, disagrements, name the fixed mindset and identify how it makes you feel, think and act and then invite the fixed mindset to go on a growth mindset journey with you!